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This site was created to help answer trace the impulse questions for all human antomy and physiology students who need precise help in figuring his out.

Each 'Trace the Impulse' is put into layman terms for you, so that you can make your response A+, with the help that we will give you.

Each Impulse trace is broken down from the smallest molecule to the biggest muscle used in each situation.

Each 'Trace the Impulse' question is answered with over 10 pages of heavily detailed information, with pictures for even greater visualization!


Transmission of this command to lift a glass of water for drinking will be passed on to the axons of motor neurons emerging from the spinal cord, forming a nerve that extends to the muscles. The tip of each axon comes into proximity with a muscle fibre, where a synapse is formed with that fibre. This special form of synapse formed between the muscle fibre and the motor neuron axon is termed as neuromuscular junction. 

Trace the Impulse Questions

You need to step up on a step to reach an object on a high shelf.

$ 45.50 USD

(Part one) Trace the impulse, listing the steps in as much detail as possible, from which your brain sends the message to the appropriate muscles to step up one step.  Specifically include the steps involved in transmitting the impulse from the neuron to the muscle fiber at the neuromuscular junction.  Specify which muscles are pulling on which bones and what type of joints are involved. 

(Part two) Trace the impulse, listing the steps in as much detail as possible, from which your brain sends the message to the appropriate muscles to reach up above your head to the shelf.  Include in this the steps involved in the actual muscle fiber contraction – sliding filament mechanism.  Again, specify which muscles are pulling on which bones and what type of joints are involved.

Your thirst center tells you that you are dehydrated

$ 45.50 USD

(Part one) Trace the impulse, listing the steps in as much detail as possible, from which your brain sends the message to the appropriate muscles to lift a glass of water to drink. detail the steps involved in the transmission of the neural impulse to the muscle fiber and then the steps involved in the sliding filament mechanism. Then, specify which muscles are pulling on which bones and what type of joints are involved.


(Part two) Finally, trace the path of the water from the mouth to the urethra, listing the path in as much detail as possible.

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